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Home  /  Departments  /  Neurology


The division includes inpatient, outpatient, and emergency room evaluation services, along with consultations that LAUMC-SJH readily provides. We take pride in our subspecialty clinical programs that allow us to offer comprehensive care for individuals with complex conditions and disorders of the nervous system. Our team consists of faculty who specialize in many fields such as strokes, sleep, epilepsy, balance problems, nerve and muscle diseases, Alzheimer’s disease – along with other cognitive disorders and pain management.
Our mission is to actively seek to improve and promote the health of people with neurological diseases through the best clinical care, research and training. We are excited to offer a new general neurology program, which will provide patients access to world-class neurological care here at the LAUMC-SJH.
Our neurophysiology and sleep laboratories offer all investigations including:

    • Evoked Potentials
    • EEG
    • 24 Hour Video EEG Monitoring
    • EMG
    • EOG
    • ERG
    • WADA Testing
    • PSG
    • MSLT